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Mrs. Christina Lott » 7th Grade Science/Social Studies

7th Grade Science/Social Studies

About Me
My name is Christina Lott and I currently teach 7th grade life science and social studies. Science has always been my favorite subject so I am very passionate about what I teach. My husband's name is John Lott and we have two daughters and a Boykin Spaniel named Maggie. My hobbies are hunting, fishing, reading, spending time outdoors with my family, listening to music, and cooking. 
Life Science
Life science topics in 7th grade are a preview of the topics that will be covered more in-depth when your child takes 9th grade biology in high school. We learn about cells, body systems, genetics, classification of organisms, interactions of organisms, ecology, and evolution. We do lots of fun, hands-on activities which allow students to learn and investigate. 
Social Studies
Seventh grade students study geography, history, government, and economics as they relate to the countries of Africa and Asia. 
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